All advertising platforms of bloggers are here!
Search for bloggers to advertise your products across multiple target audience parameters among 300,000 platforms

89 000
YouTube bloggers
276 381
Instagram bloggers
How the service works
Find bloggers.
  • favoriteBy blogger category
  • filterBy gender, age, geography of audience blogger
Get access
Sort the bloggers by their effectiveness (ROI) and study their detailed
  • ChartPieSliceATA (share of active target audience at blogger)
  • TrandUpViews/video, ER, etc.
  • CoinPrices
Or order a detailed blogger's analysis, with beautiful charts, for presentation to a client or colleagues.
Contact the bloggers
and offer to collaborate
Use the bloggers' contacts on the platform to contact them.
SmileyWink Or give it to us
We will contact each blogger on all possible contacts, for only 200 rubles per request, find out prices and terms of cooperation.
Run the campaign
with selected bloggers
You can do your own AC with bloggers.
SmileyWink Or give it to us
Leave it to our professional team to do all operational work for you.
Read more details
We calculated everything!
How much time you will save working through 2TA:
On your own
With 2TA
Searching and analyzing bloggers
3 days
30 minutes
Get the blogger's terms and agreement to cooperate
4 days
5 minutes
Control of publications
and all communication with the blogger
7 days
We do it for you
14 days
35 minutes
About Team 2TA.IO
We are a team with experience
10 years in marketing and
20+ years in IT
handshakeWe are trusted by more than 50,000 advertisers of various segments and sizes
smileyConducted more than 200,000 successful deals with bloggers
Everything you need to run YouTube advertising campaigns
Per month
80 €
Per year
768 €
20% off

  • Search bloggers

  • Search by YouTube bloggers
  • Search by Instagram bloggers
  • Search by name and description
  • Set audience gender
  • Set audience age
  • Set audience country
  • Filter from 100 categories of advertising platforms
  • Filter by date of last content
  • Filter by bloggers languages
  • Sorting by target audience
  • Automatic ER calculation
  • Analytics

  • Blogger contacts
  • Download list of bloggers (unlimited)
  • Advanced blogger audience analysis
    (200 € /analysis)
  • Other features

  • Create collections
  • Chats with bloggers
  • Customization
  • API

Everything you need to run Instagram advertising campaigns
Per month
90 €
Per year
864 €
20% off

  • Search bloggers

  • Search by YouTube bloggers
  • Search by Instagram bloggers
  • Search by name and description
  • Set audience gender
  • Set audience age
  • Set audience country
  • Filter from 100 categories of advertising platforms
  • Filter by date of last content
  • Filter by bloggers languages
  • Sorting by target audience
  • Automatic ER calculation
  • Analytics

  • Blogger contacts
  • Download list of bloggers (unlimited)
  • Advanced blogger audience analysis
    (200 € /analysis)
  • Other features

  • Create collections
  • Chats with bloggers
  • Customization
  • API

Effective launch of advertising campaigns in YouTube and Instagram
Per month
120 €
Per year
1,152 €
20% off

  • Search bloggers

  • Search by YouTube bloggers
  • Search by Instagram bloggers
  • Search by name and description
  • Set audience gender
  • Set audience age
  • Set audience country
  • Filter from 100 categories of advertising platforms
  • Filter by date of last content
  • Filter by bloggers languages
  • Sorting by target audience
  • Automatic ER calculation
  • Analytics

  • Blogger contacts
  • Download list of bloggers (unlimited)
  • Advanced blogger audience analysis
    (200 € /analysis)
  • Other features

  • Create collections
  • Chats with bloggers
  • Customization
  • API

Ideal solution for medium and large businesses
Per month
500 €
Per year
4,800 €
20% off

  • Search bloggers

  • Search by YouTube bloggers
  • Search by Instagram bloggers
  • Search by name and description
  • Set audience gender
  • Set audience age
  • Set audience country
  • Filter from 100 categories of advertising platforms
  • Filter by date of last content
  • Filter by bloggers languages
  • Sorting by target audience
  • Automatic ER calculation
  • Analytics

  • Blogger contacts
  • Download list of bloggers (unlimited)
  • Advanced blogger audience analysis
    (300 pcs/month)
  • Other features

  • Create collections
  • Chats with bloggers
  • Customization (on request)
  • API (on request)